What is the difference between Beehiiv and Ghost?

simple plan to grow your website

Introduction: Why Choose a Newsletter Platform?

Imagine this: you've poured your heart and soul into crafting compelling content, but it feels like it's languishing in the vast digital ocean. You crave deeper connections with your audience, a way to nurture a loyal community around your ideas and passions. Enter the world of newsletter platforms, your potential bridge to engaged readers, and a thriving online presence.

But choosing the right platform can feel like navigating a labyrinth. Two popular contenders, Beehiiv and Ghost, promise powerful tools and features but cater to distinct creator needs. So, before you dive in, let's unpack the key differences between these two powerhouses and help you chart your course to success.

Introducing Beehiiv and Ghost:

Think of Beehiiv as the growth champion of the newsletter world. Its sleek interface and intuitive tools are designed to help you rapidly build and expand your email list. Ghost, on the other hand, is the content creator's haven, offering a robust platform to publish articles, and podcasts, and even manage paid memberships.

Now, let's delve deeper into their unique offerings and see which one best suits your creative journey

Beehiiv: The Growth-Focused Newsletter Hero

If your primary goal is to exponentially increase your email subscribers and drive audience engagement, Beehiiv might be your knight in shining armour. This platform is laser-focused on helping you craft captivating newsletters, landing pages, and automated email sequences that convert like crazy. Let's dissect its key features and see how they can fuel your newsletter growth:

A. Key Features:

Effortless Email Marketing: Design beautiful, branded newsletters with Beehiiv's drag-and-drop editor. No coding is required! Segment your audience for targeted campaigns, schedule automated emails, and track results with detailed analytics.

Landing Page Powerhouse: Convert website visitors into subscribers with Beehiiv's high-converting landing pages. A/B test different designs, captures leads with pop-ups and opt-in forms, and seamlessly integrates with your newsletter signup process.

Growth Tools Galore: Unlock Beehiiv's secret weapons for audience expansion. Leverage social media integrations, referral programs, and website embeddable forms to attract new subscribers like moths to a flame.

CRM & Monetization Magic: Nurture relationships with individual subscribers through Beehiiv's built-in CRM. Segment your audience, send personalized emails, and even explore paid newsletter options to turn your passion into profit.

B. Pros & Cons:


User-Friendly: Beehiiv boasts a beginner-friendly interface, making it perfect for creators with no coding experience.

Affordable: Beehiiv's pricing plans are budget-friendly, especially for those starting.

Growth-Oriented: Every feature in Beehiiv is designed to help you rapidly expand your email list and audience reach.


Limited Customization: While Beehiiv offers pre-designed templates, the level of customization for emails and landing pages is somewhat restricted.

Closed Platform: Unlike Ghost, Beehiiv is a closed platform, meaning you have less control over your data and future integrations.

Beehiiv might be your perfect match if:

You're a new creator or blogger looking to quickly build your email list.

You prioritize user-friendliness and affordability over extensive customization options.

Your primary goal is to drive subscriber growth and engagement through email marketing campaigns.

Ghost: The Content Creator's Powerhouse

Now, if you're a multifaceted creator yearning for a platform that goes beyond email newsletters, Ghost might be your creative haven. Think of it as your all-in-one content hub, empowering you to publish articles, manage podcasts, build a loyal community, and even earn directly from your audience. Let's explore the features that make Ghost a content creator's dream:

A. Key Features:

Content Management System (CMS): Go beyond simple newsletters with Ghost's full-fledged CMS. Publish visually stunning blog posts, create landing pages, and even host podcasts – all on the same platform.

Membership & Subscriptions: Foster deeper connections with your audience by offering exclusive content, gated member areas, and tiered subscription plans. Ghost empowers you to directly monetize your creativity.

Design Flexibility & Open Source: Unlike Beehiiv, Ghost grants you complete control over your website's design. Choose from a vast library of themes, customize with CSS, or even go full developer and access the open-source code.

Community Focus: Build a thriving community around your content with Ghost's built-in commenting system, member directory, and built-in integrations with popular community platforms like Discourse.

B. Pros & Cons:


Powerful Features: Ghost offers a wider range of functionalities compared to Beehiiv, catering to diverse content creators.

Open Source: Own your data and have complete control over your website's future with Ghost's open-source codebase.

Monetization Options: Earn directly from your audience through memberships, subscriptions, and even paid newsletters.


Steeper Learning Curve: Ghost's advanced features require more technical knowledge compared to Beehiiv's beginner-friendly interface.

Higher Price Point: Ghost's subscription plans are generally more expensive than Beehiiv's, especially for basic features.

Ghost might be your perfect match if:

You're a seasoned creator looking for a platform beyond simple email newsletters.

You value design flexibility, advanced features, and open-source freedom.

You aim to build a dedicated community and explore diverse monetization options.

But remember, the choice isn't black and white! Let's delve deeper and compare these two platforms head-to-head to help you make an informed decision...

Head-to-Head Comparison of Ghost and Beehiiv: Choosing the Right Platform

Now that you've met Beehiiv and Ghost, it's time to get down to brass tacks. Let's delve into a head-to-head comparison across various factors to help you identify the platform that best aligns with your unique needs and goals:

A. Focus & Goals:

Beehiiv: excels at rapid newsletter growth and audience engagement. If your primary focus is building a massive email list and driving conversions through email marketing, Beehiiv becomes your champion.

Ghost: shines as a versatile content hub and community builder. It empowers you to publish diverse content formats, attract paying subscribers, and foster meaningful connections with your audience.

B. Budget & Technical Expertise:

Beehiiv: boasts affordable pricing plans and a beginner-friendly interface, making it ideal for budget-conscious creators with minimal technical knowledge.

Ghost: comes with a higher price tag and requires more technical know-how to fully leverage its advanced features. However, its open-source nature allows for complete customization and future-proofing.

C. Monetization Strategies:

Beehiiv: focuses on monetization through email marketing – promoting products, services, or affiliate offers within your newsletters.

Ghost: offers a wider range of monetization options – paid memberships, subscriptions, direct donations, and even selling merchandise within your content hub.

Remember: this is just a starting point. Consider your specific budget, technical skills, and desired monetization strategies to make an informed decision.

Real-World Examples & Case Studies

So, you're intrigued by both Beehiiv and Ghost, but seeing them in action can solidify your decision. Let's peek into the success stories of creators using these platforms:

Beehiiv: Email Marketing Powerhouse

Emma Green, Food Blogger: Emma used Beehiiv's landing pages and automated email sequences to grow her email list from 500 to 10,000 in just 6 months. Her targeted email campaigns promoting her recipe ebooks consistently generate a significant portion of her income.

David Jones, Marketing Consultant: David leverages Beehiiv's A/B testing features to optimize his email design and content, resulting in a 20% increase in click-through rates and ultimately boosting his lead generation efforts.

Ghost: Content Hub & Community Magnet

Jane Doe, Journalist: Jane transitioned from freelance writing to building a thriving online publication on Ghost. She offers exclusive content to paid subscribers, generates income through merchandise sales, and fosters a vibrant community through Ghost's built-in features.

Mark Smith, Musician: Mark uses Ghost to host his blog, and podcast, and even sell digital music directly to his fans. He utilizes Ghost's membership tiers to offer bonus content and early access to releases, effectively monetizing his passion for music.

Beyond the Beehiiv and Ghost: Additional Considerations

Choosing the right platform is crucial, but it's just one piece of the puzzle. Here are some other factors to keep in mind:

  • Community & Support: Both Beehiiv and Ghost offer active communities and helpful support teams. Research their forums, documentation, and social media presence to see which resonates with you best.
  • Future Roadmap & Development: Consider each platform's plans and development roadmap. Choose the one that aligns with your long-term vision and offers features you'll need as you grow.
  • Personal Preferences & Experimentation: Ultimately, the best platform is the one that feels right for you. Don't be afraid to experiment, try out free trials, and see which interface and workflow suit your preferences.

Remember, both Beehiiv and Ghost are powerful tools. Choose the one that empowers you to create, connect, and thrive on your creative journey!

Conclusion: Finding Your Perfect Fit

Phew, that's a whirlwind tour of Beehiiv and Ghost! By now, you have a deeper understanding of their unique strengths and how they can fuel your creative endeavours.


Beehiiv shines for rapid email list growth and email marketing magic.

Ghost empowers you as a versatile content creator and community builder.

Consider your specific goals, budget, technical skills, and preferred workflow to make an informed decision. And hey, if you're still on the fence, remember that experimentation is key!

FAQs about Ghost and Beehiiv

1. Can I use both Beehiiv and Ghost together?

Absolutely! You can even integrate them to leverage their strengths. For example, use Beehiiv for email marketing and Ghost for publishing exclusive content for your subscribers.

2. Which platform has better SEO?

Both platforms offer decent SEO capabilities, but Ghost generally has a slight edge due to its content management system features and open-source nature.

3. What if I need help migrating my content from another platform?

Both Beehiiv and Ghost offer import tools and support resources to help you seamlessly migrate your content from other platforms.

4. Can I use custom domains on either platform?

Yes, both Beehiiv and Ghost allow you to connect your custom domain for a more professional brand identity.

5. Are there any free plans available?

Yes, both platforms offer free plans with limited features to get you started. Upgrade to paid plans as your needs evolve.

Remember, choosing the right platform is a personal journey. By considering your unique goals and exploring both Beehiiv and Ghost thoroughly, you'll find the perfect fit to launch your creative journey into the digital stratosphere!