Student Newsletter Examples, Templates and Best Practices


Creating an engaging student newsletter can be a great way to keep your school community informed, enhance communication, support student expression, and bring people together. However, producing a quality newsletter that students want to read takes strategic planning and effort. This comprehensive guide covers tips and best practices for developing effective, vibrant student newsletters.

Overview of Student Newsletters

Overview of Student Newsletters

A student newsletter is a periodic publication focused on sharing updates, stories, events, and announcements relevant to your student audience. It serves as a critical communication channel between school administration, teachers, students, and parents.

Newsletters can take many forms, from a simple print flyer to a polished digital publication. The goals are generally consistent across formats - inform, engage, entertain, and unite the reader community.

Schools leverage student newsletters to:

  • Promote school culture and strengthen community bonds
  • Increase student and parent engagement
  • Support student writing and journalism efforts
  • Allow students to showcase their work
  • Announce upcoming events, deadlines, and programming
  • Recognize student and faculty achievements
  • Share campus news and program updates
  • Spotlight exceptional student content like art, poetry, stories

Producing a recurring student newsletter requires planning, but the benefits are multi-faceted when done right.

Purpose and Benefits of Student Newsletters

Thoughtfully crafted student newsletters serve many functions:

Inform: Newsletters keep students, parents, and faculty members aware of need-to-know information, news, policy changes, deadlines, and more. This ensures the community stays up-to-date on school happenings.

Engage: Compelling content, personal stories, creative student spotlights and more can spark interest, discussion, and participation among readers.

Entertain: Student newsletters have room to be fun, irreverent, and enjoyable - unlike formal school communications. Playful writing, amusing stories, and vibrant visuals can connect with readers.

Unite: Consistent communication and campus coverage in newsletters help create community cohesion. Shared news binds students, faculty, and parents together.

Educate: Newsletters create opportunities for developing student writing, editing, photography, design, and layout skills. Journalism and communications education come alive by publishing actual news.

Promote: Available online and in print, school newsletters enable inexpensive marketing of programs, events, registration deadlines, achievements, and more to large audiences.

Key Elements to Include in Students Newsletter

Great student newsletters tend to incorporate some consistent elements:

Feature stories: Highlight in-depth topics like school traditions, athlete/coach spotlights, alumni profiles, or interest stories showcasing student hobbies. These capture reader's attention with compelling copy and visuals.

Campus news: Communicate recent and upcoming academic, extracurricular, arts, sports, and other programming. This campus news keeps the community in the know.

Creative student work: Publish exceptional student poems, photos, videos, art, stories, editorials, and other creative work submitted by students to validate their efforts.

Event promotion: Ensure readers are aware of assemblies, concerts, games, registration deadlines, competitions, fundraisers, and special events through informative newsletter promotions.

Administration updates: Provide critical administrative updates like policy changes, facilities news, departmental announcements, and other school leadership communiques.

Best Practices for Creating Student Newsletters

When developing student newsletters, incorporate these best practices for optimal results:

Consistent publishing: Release issues on a predictable schedule so readers expect and read each edition. Monthly or quarterly cadences work well.

Conversational tone
: Adopt an engaging, student-friendly tone readers connect with. Avoid overly formal language.

Eye-catching visuals
: Images, graphics, illustrations, and other visuals enhance engagement so incorporate them with each article.

Themed issues
: Consider special editions focused entirely on major events, big games, art exhibitions, and more. These can rally interest.

Student involvement
: Invite student writing submissions, photos, illustrations, and input so they help shape content. Feature student editors and reporters.

Mobile optimization: Format digital newsletters responsively for easy reading on phones and tablets, not just desktops.

Shareable format: Allow readers to forward newsletter emails or share links to drive readership easily.

Measurable performance: Use newsletter analytics tools to gauge open rates, click frequency, subscriber growth, and engagement over time. Refine based on learnings.

These fundamentals are established, and the newsletter development journey begins...

Choosing a Format for Student Newsletter

Student newsletters can take many forms, from simple one-page flyers made in Word to polished digital offerings sent via email and posted online. Determine which format (or formats) make sense aligned to your goals, audiences, budget, and resources.

Choosing a Format for Student Newsletter

Print Newsletter vs. Email Newsletter

The print and digital channels have distinct benefits. Evaluate these factors when deciding where to focus your efforts:

Print newsletters:

Tangible, hold-in-hand feel

Easy content absorption

Graphic flexibility

Production and distribution workload

Environmental impact

Email newsletters:

Inexpensive distribution

Trackable metrics

Clickable links

Accessible on all devices

Potential spam filtering

Many schools create hybrid newsletter models encompassing both print and email communication channels to capitalize on the strengths of each format.

HTML Email Newsletter Platforms

Email marketing software equips you to produce polished, robust digital newsletters with ease. Options like MailChimp, Constant Contact, and Campaign Monitor include professional templates, collaboration tools, distribution automation, and usage analytics. Pricing varies based on subscriber volume and features.

While these services simplify creation for stunning email results, they may provide excessive functionality beyond a school newsletter’s needs. Often student audiences start relatively small.

Simple Text-Based Email Newsletters

Given modest subscriber numbers, some student newsletters are created using email plaintext formatting sent through the school website or Google Groups. This enables getting started quickly. However, graphics, images, and advanced design are challenging.

As readerships grow over time, migrating to a dedicated email marketing platform allows for enhancing aesthetics and leveraging automation while maintaining subscriber relationships.

Considerations for Choosing a Format

Consider factors like intended audience size, design needs, production bandwidth, analytics requirements, and cost constraints when selecting print vs. digital channels.

While email solutions provide performance tracking and future scalability, simple text or print may be completely adequate for early efforts. Build flexibility to pivot approaches over time as the newsletter matures.

Setting Goals and Objectives

Defining the “why” behind launching a student newsletter clarifies content priorities and guides formatting choices. Consider framing goals across categories like audience needs, content focus, and skills building.

Setting Goals and Objectives

Informing and Engaging Students

Is the top priority arming students with news updates, event promotions, and policy alerts so they feel informed? Will light-hearted, entertaining content best resonate alongside need-to-know briefs?

Prioritize content accordingly - emphasizing vital notifications, enriching features, creative expressions, or other themes aligned to student informational and engagement needs.

Promoting School Events

Does the newsletter intend to illuminate upcoming events, deadlines, and programming to drive participation? Feature eye-catching graphics hyping future happenings paired with key event logistics. Offer clear calls to action.

Building Community

Newsletters represent opportunities to spotlight diverse school groups, strengthen bonds between grades, highlight collaboration campus-wide, and celebrate achievements. facilitating togetherness. Human interest stories, student spotlights, and school culture themes reinforce community.

Showcasing Student Work

Strong student creative writing, stand-out science fair projects, exceptional fine arts talent, and award-winning athletic accomplishments deserve exposure beyond campus borders. Newsletters provide meaningful vehicles for publically validating student efforts. They become archives of school achievement.

Public recognition develops pride and connectivity for featured students, peers, and broader school community members.

Clarify guiding goals, then craft content accordingly.

Content Ideas and Recommendations

Compelling student news requires varied, consistently fresh content paired with intuitive organization and navigable formatting focused on the end reader. Brainstorm these potential topic areas when planning each edition.

Feature Stories

In-depth feature stories captivate reader attention best when focused on intriguing topics and real students. Compose stand-alone pieces or recurring spotlights:

  • Student athlete/coach profiles
  • Teacher interviews/backgrounds
  • Alumni journey post-graduation
  • College Acceptance Success stories
  • Student leader Q&As
  • Artistic/music process explorations
  • Award-winning project/entry breakdowns
  • Program spotlights (e.g. robotics)
  • Exploring school history, traditions

Student Spotlights

Shine the light on standout students through quick spotlights included in every issue featuring:

  • Accomplishment summaries
  • Extracurricular involvement
  • Photos/artwork representations
  • Academics/major pursuits
  • Future aspirations
  • What makes them shine

These validate student efforts and reinforce community connectivity.

School Event Announcements

Ensure readers miss school happenings by highlighting upcoming events and programming:

  • Dances (Homecoming, Winter Formal, etc.)
  • Community fundraising walks/5Ks
  • School plays/musicals/concerts
  • Open houses and info sessions
  • Sports games and rallies
  • Awards ceremonies
  • Registration deadlines

Include key details like dates, times, locations, costs, dress codes, ticketing links, and photos.

Creative Writing Pieces

Incorporate exemplary short stories, poems, and other fiction/nonfiction written by student authors. These demonstrate deep thinking while adding richness beyond typical newsletter fare. Consider seasonal themes linked to major holidays/awareness months fitting creative pieces.

Design and Layout Considerations

Once equipped with quality content, structuring newsletters for visual appeal and ease of finding information separates good from great.

Keeping it Simple

Clarity trumps cleverness always. Adopt simple, balanced layouts and text-heavy designs over flashy graphics or complicated templates likely to confuse readers. Ensure all vital information is quickly and easily digestible.

Easy-to-Scan Layout

Facilitate easy headline scanning via plenty of negative space between briefs plus clear textual hierarchy - varying font sizes across sections.

Chunk longer articles using subheads and bullets.

Careful alignment of items signals connections across pieces. Consistency breeds familiarity for readers.

Effective Use of Images

Reinforce messaging through relevant photographs, infographics, and illustrations aligned to each article. Images attract the reader's attention, adding vibrancy while breaking up heavy text.

But beware of image overload. Find the balance between visual appeal and readability best-serving storytelling. Favor quality over quantity with purposeful enhancements.


While school newsletters inform the collective, personalized touches add meaning for individuals. Examples include:

  • Direct address from principal, teachers, or student reps
  • Spotlights on individual achievement
  • Quotes from various school community members
  • Featured student contributors

These cultivate readers feeling connected to content while recognizing diversity across the audience. Make people feel seen.

Measuring Effectiveness

Understanding reader interactions with sent newsletters provides valuable feedback for gauging engagement and improving subsequent issues.

Leverage built-in analytics from email marketing platforms or use free online tools to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs):

Open and Click-Through Rates

Open rate shows the percentage of recipients opening emailed newsletters to potentially read content. The click-through rate indicates the percentage who clicked links/buttons to access other items from the sent email content.

Benchmark to industry standards, with target education newsletter open rates above 20% and click-through rates over 5% both considered decent.

Student Feedback Surveys

Actively collect student opinions on current newsletter relevance, article quality/preferences, and suggested additions through occasional quick surveys or focus groups. Apply learnings in later issues.

Increased Event Participation

Track student attendance year-over-year at promoted school events in the days/weeks following newsletter coverage. Did highlight events see participation spikes suggesting newsletter influence?

Website and Social Traffic

Leverage newsletter clickable links and share buttons to drive readers to school homepages, event registration portals, and community forums. Monitor resulting spikes in site visitors and community members.

Assess effectiveness across KPIs in adjusting newsletter approaches to maximize engagement and outcomes.

Best Practices for Publishing and Distribution

Consistently producing high-quality content is merely step one - seamlessly getting newsletters to end readers completes the communications chain. Optimize publishing workflows while promoting through multiple channels.

Establish a Publishing Schedule

Coordinate contributor efforts by standardizing request/submission deadlines, editing timeframes, administrative review processes, and distribution dates. Many student newsletters are released monthly or quarterly. Set realistic timelines.

Communicate established schedules across internal teams and publicly to set reader expectations around anticipated delivery (e.g. second week of each month). Adhere to calendars once announced.

Email List Sign-Up Process

Expand subscriber rosters by offering plentiful opportunities for students, parents, and staff to sign up to receive newsletters directly via email. Provide embedded links in communications, online portals, and manual sign-up sheets.

Incorporate subscribe/unsubscribe links in all newsletters plus invite readers to forward issues to contacts for expanded distribution.

Promoting on Multiple Channels

Once released, newsletters deserve broad exposure. Promote each edition by:

  • Emailing linker directly to subscriber list
  • Embedding newsletter on school home page as download
  • Sharing preview graphics/articles across school social channels
  • Prominently displaying printed copies in offices, cafeterias, etc

This omnichannel content marketing ensures a wide readership.

Evaluating Performance to Improve

Applying newsletter performance learnings cultivates iterative enhancements over subsequent editions. Closely track metrics around opens, click-throughs, shares survey feedback, and event participation is driven by newsletter content.

Monitor data for usage trends, noting evergreen versus lower-interest pieces. Double down on wildly popular items while adjusting lackluster ones. Continual refinement ensures readers stay engaged long-term.


Student audiences deserve dynamic, professional newsletters that speak meaningfully to their unique preferences as academic community members. Getting this communication channel right fosters tighter campus connections, and empowers student expression and participation while keeping all stakeholders reliably informed.

Adopt the multi-faceted strategies around formatting, planning, creative development, design principles, and performance optimization covered in this comprehensive guide when architecting your school’s next student newsletter. Dedicate the time and strategic thought needed.

The results deliver tangible returns across strengthened school spirit, visible student accomplishments, and sustained awareness of campus happenings helping turn students into school ambassadors. That makes the effort well worthwhile.

Now put these tips into action creating buzz-worthy student newsletters that inform, inspire, and unite your vibrant academic community. Students, faculty, and parents will thank you!


What should be the ideal length of a school newsletter?

We recommend school newsletters run 2-3 pages in print format, with digital editions running slightly longer given easier scrolling through content on screens. Total word count can vary but aim for 800 - 1500 words depending on frequency. Be concise!

How often should you send out a school newsletter?

Monthly and quarterly mailings are the most commonly released on consistent dates readers can anticipate. Avoid sending too frequently (like weekly) causing email fatigue but also avoid infrequent messaging gaps where communications cease for long periods.

What are some tips for getting more students to subscribe?

  • Promote signups heavily leading into first issue releases
  • Incentivize subscriptions through contests/drawings
  • Emphasize exclusive content readers would miss out on
  • Feature student contributor names/photos
  • Keep issues focused on highly relevant student content

How can you encourage student contributions to the newsletter?

  • Offer informational sessions explaining the submission process
  • Provide sample articles showing desired formats
  • Outline specific suggested topics aligned to upcoming issues/themes
  • Give student participants recognition in print for involvement
  • Maintain reasonable content deadlines for ease of entry

What are some key metrics to track newsletter effectiveness?

Critical indicators include open rates, click-through rates, website traffic driven by links, reader survey feedback plus event attendance/participation for highlighted occurrences. Apply learnings to refine over time.