Review: Building Thriving Online Communities

Introduction: The Rise of Online Communities and Why They Matter

In today's increasingly digital world, the human desire for connection remains stronger. Online communities have emerged as a powerful response to this need, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose that transcends geographical boundaries. Imagine a virtual space where you can connect with like-minded individuals, share knowledge, and support each other's growth. That's the magic of online communities!

The Power of Connection in a Digital Age

Let's face it, navigating the vast ocean of the internet can feel isolating at times. Online communities bridge this gap by providing a haven for individuals with shared interests. Whether you're passionate about photography, coding, or mastering sourdough baking, a thriving online community is likely waiting to welcome you with open arms.

Benefits of Online Communities for Creators and Learners

The power of online communities extends far beyond fostering social connections. Creators and educators can leverage these platforms to build engaged audiences, deliver valuable content, and establish themselves as authorities in their respective fields. On the other hand, learners benefit from access to a wealth of knowledge, diverse perspectives, and the camaraderie of fellow learners on their journeys.

What is A Feature-Rich Platform for Community Building has carved a niche for itself in the ever-evolving landscape of online community platforms. It empowers creators and educators to build thriving online communities where learning and interaction go hand in hand. But what exactly sets apart? Let's delve into its key features!

What is A Feature-Rich Platform for Community Building

Key Features of boasts a robust feature set designed to cater to the needs of both creators and community members. Here's a closer look at some of the highlights:

  • Intuitive Interface: prides itself on being user-friendly. Even if you're a tech novice, navigating the platform and setting up your community should be a breeze. Think of it like riding a bike for the first time – with a few wobbles initially, you'll be cruising in no time!
  • Gamification: A Unique Approach to Engagement

Gamification is where truly shines. Imagine earning points, badges, and climbing leaderboards for actively participating in your community. This isn't just about childish fun; gamification taps into our inherent desire for achievement and recognition, keeping members engaged and motivated.

  • Content Delivery: Courses, Live Events, and More isn't a one-trick pony. You can host a variety of content formats to keep your community learning and growing. Think in-depth courses, bite-sized lessons, interactive webinars, and even live Q&A sessions. The platform offers the flexibility to cater to different learning styles and preferences.

  • Flexibility and Customization Options

One size doesn't fit all, and understands that. The platform allows you to customize your community to match your unique brand and vision. From branding colors and layouts to access controls and pricing options, you have the power to create a space that truly reflects your community's identity.

Gamification: A Sticky Situation (But in a Good Way!)

Let's talk more about gamification. Some folks might scoff at the idea of turning learning into a game. But hear me out! Gamification injects a dose of fun and healthy competition into the learning process. Imagine the satisfaction of unlocking a new badge for completing a course module or the thrill of battling it out for the top spot on the community leaderboard. These elements can significantly boost engagement and make learning a more rewarding experience.

Content Delivery: A Multimedia Feast isn't just about text-based lectures. You can leverage a variety of content formats to cater to different learning styles and preferences. Think engaging video lessons, downloadable cheat sheets, interactive quizzes, and even live streams where you can interact with your community in real time. This multimedia approach keeps things fresh and exciting, ensuring your members stay tuned in and eager to learn more.

Unveiling the Experience: A User's Perspective

Now that we've explored the impressive features of, let's put ourselves in the shoes of a user and see how it feels to navigate the platform.

Setting Up Your Skool Community: A Breeze lives up to its promise of user-friendliness. Setting up your community is a straightforward process. The intuitive interface guides you through each step, from crafting a catchy name and uploading a logo to defining membership options and customizing the layout. Even if you're not a tech whiz, you'll likely be up and running in no time.

Engaging with Your Members: Fostering Interaction

One of the hallmarks of a thriving online community is active interaction among members. provides several tools to facilitate this:

  • Discussion Forums: Spark conversations and encourage knowledge sharing through dedicated discussion forums. These virtual spaces allow members to ask questions, share insights, and support each other on their learning journeys.
  • Direct Messaging: Sometimes, a more private conversation is needed.'s built-in direct messaging feature allows members to connect one-on-one, fostering a sense of camaraderie and personalized support.
  • Polls and Q&A Sessions: Keep things interactive with polls and Q&A sessions. Pose thought-provoking questions to gauge your members' interests and understanding, or use polls to gather feedback and make data-driven decisions about your community's direction.

Content Delivery: Keeping Your Community Learning empowers you to deliver a variety of content formats to keep your community engaged and learning. Here's a breakdown of some popular options:

  • Courses: Structure in-depth learning experiences with drip content, graded quizzes, and assignments. allows you to organize your courses into modules, making it easy for members to progress at their own pace.
  • Live Events: Host live webinars, workshops, or Q&A sessions to add a real-time element to your content strategy. Live events foster a sense of connection and allow for immediate interaction with your community.
  • Drip Content: Schedule your content to be released gradually, keeping your members coming back for more and maintaining a steady flow of engagement.

Analytics and Tracking: Measuring Your Success

Like any good entrepreneur, you need to track your progress. provides valuable analytics to help you gauge your community's health and identify areas for improvement. You can monitor metrics like member engagement, course completion rates, and overall activity levels. This data allows you to tailor your content strategy, optimize your community experience, and ensure you're delivering real value to your members.

The Community: Who Should Consider This Platform? caters to a diverse range of users looking to cultivate thriving online communities. Here are some groups that can particularly benefit from its features:

Ideal for Course Creators and Educators

If you're passionate about sharing your knowledge and building a loyal student base, is a strong contender. The platform simplifies course creation, allowing you to structure in-depth learning experiences with engaging video lessons, downloadable resources, and interactive quizzes. The gamification aspect further incentivizes students to stay engaged and complete your courses.

A Perfect Fit for Membership-Based Businesses excels at fostering a sense of community, which is crucial for membership-based businesses. You can create exclusive content, host live events for deeper interaction, and leverage discussion forums to cultivate a loyal member base.

Here's a real-life example: Imagine you run a membership program for aspiring web developers. allows you to host comprehensive coding courses, provide members-only resources like code snippets and cheat sheets, and even facilitate peer-to-peer learning through discussion forums. This fosters a sense of community and ongoing value for your members, encouraging them to stick around for the long haul.

Individuals Building a Brand and Audience

Whether you're a yoga instructor, a life coach, or a freelance graphic designer, can be a valuable tool for building your brand and attracting a dedicated audience. You can create a free community space to share valuable content, host lives workshops to establish yourself as an expert, and leverage gamification to keep your audience engaged. Over time, this can help you convert free members into paying clients or students for your premium offerings.

Beyond the Niche: for Everyone (Almost)

While caters well to specific user groups, it holds potential for a broader audience. If you have a passionate following online and want to create a more interactive space to connect with them, is worth considering. However, it's important to note that the platform might be less suitable for communities focused solely on social interaction or casual discussions. shines when there's a clear learning element or value proposition for members.

Beyond the Hype: A Balanced Look at has undoubtedly captured the attention of online course creators and community builders. But before you jump on the bandwagon, let's take a balanced approach and explore both the strengths and weaknesses of this platform.

Strengths and Advantages of

  • User-Friendly Interface: prides itself on being easy to navigate, even for non-tech-savvy users. Setting up your community and managing content shouldn't feel like climbing Mount Everest.
  • Gamification: This unique feature adds a layer of fun and engagement, keeping members motivated and actively participating in the community.
  • Content Delivery Options: From in-depth courses to live events and bite-sized lessons, provides the flexibility to cater to different learning styles and preferences.
  • Customization Capabilities: Don't be a follower! allows you to customize your community's look and feel to match your brand identity.
  • Analytics and Tracking: Data is king!'s built-in analytics provide valuable insights into your community's health, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategy.

Areas for Improvement and Considerations

  • Limited Integrations: While offers basic integrations with tools like Zapier, it might not integrate seamlessly with all the marketing automation platforms or email marketing services you currently use.
  • Course Creation Features: Compared to some dedicated learning management systems (LMS) platforms,'s course creation features might feel slightly less robust.
  • Limited Live Event Functionality: While live events are available, features like breakout rooms or audience engagement tools might be lacking for complex webinars or workshops.
  • Pricing:'s pricing starts at $99 per month, which might be a consideration for some users, especially those just starting out or with smaller communities.
  • Focus on Learning: While discussions and interaction are encouraged, is best suited for communities with a clear learning element. If your focus is purely on casual social interaction, other platforms might be a better fit. vs. The Competition: Highlighting the Differences

Choosing the right platform for your online community can feel overwhelming. Here's a breakdown of how compares to some popular alternatives, highlighting their key differences:

Circle (from the founders of Teachable):

  • Similarities: Both platforms focus on building online communities with course delivery functionalities.
  • Differences: Circle offers more robust integrations with marketing automation tools and email marketing services. However, it lacks the gamification features that set apart. Pricing-wise, Circle's basic plan is cheaper, but it limits member numbers. offers unlimited members on all plans.


  • Similarities: Both cater to course creators and offer features like course delivery, email marketing, and landing page creation.
  • Differences: Kajabi positions itself as an all-in-one platform, encompassing course creation, marketing tools, and community features. However, the community functionalities might feel less focused compared to's dedicated approach. Pricing for Kajabi can be higher depending on the features you need.

Mighty Networks:

Similarities: Both platforms prioritize building vibrant online communities with features like discussion forums, live events, and member profiles.

Differences: Mighty Networks offers a stronger focus on social interaction and group dynamics. However, it might lack the structured course creation functionalities of Pricing for Mighty Networks varies based on member numbers.

Choosing the Right Platform: Factors to Consider

The best platform for you hinges on your specific needs and priorities. Here are some key questions to ask yourself:

  • What's the primary purpose of your community? Is it focused on learning and course delivery, or is social interaction the main objective?
  • What features are most important to you? Do you prioritize gamification, robust course creation tools, or extensive integrations with other marketing platforms?
  • What's your budget? Pricing structures can vary significantly across platforms.

Here's a quick cheat sheet to help you decide:

  • Choose if: You prioritize a user-friendly platform with gamification, offer courses alongside community features, and don't require extensive integrations.
  • Choose Circle if: Budget is a major concern and you need seamless integration with your existing marketing tools.
  • Choose Kajabi if: You need an all-in-one solution for course creation, marketing, and basic community features.
  • Choose Mighty Networks if: Social interaction and fostering a tight-knit community are your top priorities.

Remember, this is not an exhaustive list, and there are other excellent community-building platforms available. Research thoroughly and consider taking advantage of free trials before making a final decision.

Conclusion: - A Viable Option for Building Online Communities? has carved a niche in the online community-building landscape. Here's the verdict:

A Strong Contender for Course Creators and Community Builders

If you're passionate about sharing your knowledge and building a loyal student or member base, is a strong contender. The platform excels at:

  • Simplified course creation with engaging content formats and gamification to boost student engagement.
  • Fostering a sense of community through discussion forums, direct messaging, and live events.
  • Providing valuable analytics to help you track your community's growth and optimize your strategy.

Beyond Courses: Building a Brand and Audience isn't limited to course creators. Even if you're an entrepreneur, coach, or freelancer, you can leverage the platform to:

  • Create a free community space to share valuable content and establish yourself as an expert.
  • Host live workshops and events to build a deeper connection with your audience.
  • Convert free members into paying clients or students for your premium offerings.

Consider These Factors Before You Dive In

While offers a compelling feature set, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Limited integrations: If seamless integration with your existing marketing tools is crucial, explore other options like Circle.

  • Course creation features: Compared to dedicated LMS platforms,'s course creation functionalities might feel less robust. Consider your course complexity.

  • Live event limitations: For complex webinars or workshops, platforms with advanced audience engagement features might be a better fit.

  • Pricing: The $99 per month starting price might be a consideration, especially for smaller communities.

The Final Verdict: It Depends on Your Needs

Ultimately, the decision hinges on your specific needs and priorities. If you prioritize a user-friendly platform with gamification, and course delivery alongside community features, and don't require extensive integrations, then is worth a closer look.

Here's a bonus tip: Many platforms offer free trials. Take advantage of these trials to get a hands-on feel for and compare it to other options before making a final decision.

Now it's your turn! Have you explored What are your thoughts on this platform for building online communities? Share your experiences or questions in the comments below!


1. Is difficult to use?

No, is designed to be user-friendly, even for those who aren't tech-savvy. The interface is intuitive, and the platform guides you through the setup process.

2. How much does cost?'s pricing starts at $99 per month, which allows for unlimited members. There are also higher tiers with additional features.

3. Is good for social media communities?

While can facilitate social interaction, it's better suited for communities with a clear learning element or value proposition for members. For purely social interaction, other platforms might be a better fit.

4. What are some alternatives to

Popular alternatives include Circle, Kajabi, and Mighty Networks. Each platform has its strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to compare features and pricing before making a decision.

5. Does offer a free trial?

While information about a free trial isn't readily available on their website, it's recommended to check their website or contact their sales team for current offerings.