How to Approve Denied Gigs on Fiverr

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Yeah, that Fiverr rejection email stings like a paper cut dipped in lemon juice, right? We've all been there, staring at it like, "Did I accidentally offer to write dog fortune cookies in ancient Sumerian? Because that's gotta be a gig rejection for the books."

But hold on to your freelance dreams, because this blog post is your Fiverr flamethrower! We're about to set your rejected gigs on fire (in a good way) and have those orders pouring in like a latte artist's masterpiece. We'll crack open the gig-denial vault, figure out what's holding your offers back, and hand you the tools to turn them into client magnets. So, ditch the despair, grab a metaphorical mug of entrepreneurial cheer, and let's get this comeback rolling!

Understanding the Reasons for Denial:

Think of your Fiverr gig as a fancy bakery display. If it's shrouded in darkness, smells vaguely of burnt toast, and has a cardboard éclair as its star attraction, well, you ain't exactly enticing customers. Here are some common reasons why your Fiverr bakery might be getting the side-eye from potential clients:

A. Title and Description Weaknesses:

The "Great Wall of Text" Syndrome: Nobody wants to decipher a novel just to understand what you do. Keep your title concise and punchy, and your description clear, engaging, and sprinkled with relevant keywords. Remember, you're selling words, so use them well!

The Keyword-Stuffed Nightmare: Don't turn your description into an SEO soup factory. Sprinkle keywords naturally, like delicious chocolate chips in a freshly baked cookie, not like you're trying to win a thesaurus tournament.

The Grammar Goblin's Playground: Typos and grammatical errors are the cockroaches of the online world. Proofread like a hawk, because nobody wants to order a "writing gig" from someone who can't spell "writing."

B. Uncompetitive Pricing:

The "Penny Dreadful" Trap: Setting your prices too low might scream "amateur hour" to clients. Research your competition, value your skills, and price your services accordingly. Remember, undercutting the market might give you temporary orders, but it won't build a sustainable freelance career.

The "Sky's the Limit" Delusion: Pricing your services like a luxury yacht on caviar-infused waters might scare away potential clients. Find the sweet spot where your pricing reflects your expertise and attracts your target audience.

C. Lack of Visual Appeal:

The "Stock Photo Graveyard" Blues: Generic, pixelated thumbnails won't make anyone stop scrolling. Invest in high-quality images or videos that showcase your work professionally. Think of your thumbnail as the cover art of your gig, because in the online world, first impressions matter.

The "Grandma's Clip Art Extravaganza": While clip art has its place (hello, birthday cards!), it's not exactly going to wow potential clients on Fiverr. Use visuals that are consistent with your brand and add a touch of personality to your gig.

D. Vague or Generic Services:

The "Mystery Box" Conundrum: Offering "everything and the kitchen sink" services might leave clients wondering what exactly you're selling. Be specific about the skills and solutions you offer. Think niche, not nebulous.

The "Me Too" Mimicry Trap: Copying your competitor's offerings verbatim won't make you stand out. Highlight your unique selling points, showcase your expertise, and let your personality shine through.

E. Inadequate Portfolio and Reviews:

The "Empty Canvas" Syndrome: Having no portfolio on your Fiverr profile is like trying to sell art supplies without, well, any art. Showcase your past work, even if it's just a few projects. Remember, the proof is in the pudding (or portfolio, in this case).

The "Radio Silence" Review Void: No testimonials or reviews can feel like a red flag to potential clients. Actively encourage feedback from previous clients and showcase positive reviews prominently on your profile. Social proof is a powerful persuasion tool, even in the digital world.

Revamping Your Rejected Gig:

Alright, dust off your entrepreneurial boots and get ready to unleash your inner gig-renovation genius! We've identified the culprits behind your Fiverr flop, now let's give your gig a makeover that would make Marie Kondo sing and Joanna Gaines weep with joy.

A. Title and Description Makeover:

Craft Clear and Compelling Headlines: Think of your title as a movie trailer that hooks viewers in 5 seconds. Use strong verbs, and relevant keywords, and highlight the benefits you offer. For example, instead of "Blog writer," try "Captivating Blog Content that Boosts Your Traffic." See the difference?

Write a Descriptive and Engaging Gig Description: This is your chance to sell your skills like a master storyteller. Explain your services in clear, concise language, but don't forget to inject your personality and passion. Imagine you're explaining your expertise to a curious friend over coffee, not reciting the phone book.

Optimize for Search: Include relevant keywords naturally throughout your description, but avoid blatant keyword stuffing. Think of it like sprinkling cinnamon on your apple pie, not drowning it in spice. Fiverr's search engine bots appreciate a subtle touch.

B. Pricing Strategy Revamp:

Research Competitor Pricing: Don't operate in a pricing vacuum! Analyze similar gigs on Fiverr to understand the competitive landscape. Price yourself competitively, but don't undervalue your skills. You're a freelance unicorn, not a bargain-bin donkey.

Offer Packages and Tiers: Cater to different budgets and needs by offering tiered packages. Think basic, bronze, silver, and gold options, each with increasing value and features. This way, you attract budget-conscious clients and high rollers alike.

Justify Your Worth: Don't be afraid to explain the value you bring. Highlight your experience, expertise, and the specific results your clients can expect. Remember, you're not just selling a service, you're selling a solution.

C. Visual Appeal Enhancement:

Invest in High-Quality Images and Videos: Ditch the blurry phone pics and generic stock photos. Invest in professional-looking images or short video clips that showcase your work in its best light. Think clean lines, vibrant colours, and visuals that make potential clients stop and say, "Woah, that's me!"

Use Eye-Catching Thumbnails: Your thumbnail is your Fiverr storefront window. Make it irresistible! Experiment with different designs, colours, and fonts to create a thumbnail that grabs attention and stands out from the crowd. Remember, you're competing for eyeballs, so make yours pop!

Maintain Brand Consistency: Align your visuals with your overall Fiverr profile and brand. Use a consistent colour palette, fonts, and design elements to create a cohesive and professional impression. Think of your profile as your online home, and you want it to feel warm, welcoming, and uniquely you.

D. Service Refinement and Expansion:

Sharpen Your Service Focus: Instead of offering jack-of-all-trades services, hone in on your specific skills and niche. Become the go-to expert for something, not the mediocre option for everything. Remember, laser focus beats shotgun spray when it comes to attracting clients.

Consider Niche Expansion: While staying focused is key, consider expanding your expertise strategically. Look for related skills or services that complement your offerings and broaden your appeal. Think of it as adding new flavours to your freelance ice cream stand, not opening a competing hot dog cart.

Package Your Expertise: Bundle related services into attractive packages. Offer a "social media content creation + scheduling" package, or a "website copywriting + SEO optimization" bundle. This gives clients a one-stop shop for their needs and increases your perceived value.

Remember, your Fiverr gig is a living, breathing entity, not a dusty museum exhibit. Don't be afraid to experiment, refine, and adapt based on feedback and results. In the next section, we'll unlock the secrets of building a portfolio and reviews that scream "Hire me!"

Building a Strong Portfolio and Reviews:

Building a Strong Portfolio and Reviews

Let's face it, nobody wants to buy a car without taking it for a spin, right? So, if your Fiverr gig is the equivalent of a sleek, high-performance vehicle, it's time to show off its engine and features! Building a strong portfolio and accumulating positive reviews are your magic bullets for attracting clients and turning those Fiverr rejections into distant memories.

A. Showcase Past Work:

Think of your portfolio as your freelance trophy shelf. Here's how to make it shine:

Create a Compelling Portfolio Section: Dedicate a prominent section on your Fiverr profile to showcase your past work. Include high-quality examples of projects you're proud of and relevant to the services you offer. Remember, visuals are your allies, so don't just list projects, show them!

Highlight Client Testimonials: Positive feedback from happy clients is gold dust on Fiverr. Feature quotes, testimonials, and even short case studies that showcase your skills and the impact you've made on previous clients. Remember, hearing someone else rave about your work is like an instant trust magnet.

Utilize Social Proof: Don't be shy about leveraging social media to your advantage. Share client logos, positive social media mentions, or even awards and recognitions you've received in your field. Remember, social proof tells potential clients you're not just a lone wolf in the freelance jungle, you're part of a pride of satisfied customers.

B. Actively Encourage Reviews:

Reviews are like confetti at a freelance celebration, and you want a constant shower of them! Here's how to make it happen:

Deliver Excellent Customer Service: Go the extra mile for your clients. Be responsive, and proactive, and exceed their expectations. Happy clients are more likely to sing your praises, remember?

Promptly Request Reviews: Don't be afraid to gently ask for reviews after completing orders. Send a polite message or include a review request form at the end of your project. Remember, sometimes a nudge is all it takes to turn a satisfied client into a raving reviewer.

Respond to Reviews Graciously: Whether it's a glowing five-star review or constructive criticism, respond to all feedback with professionalism and gratitude. Thank positive reviewers, and address concerns constructively, showing potential clients you're open to feedback and improvement.

Remember, building a strong reputation takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it. Positive reviews and a compelling portfolio act as trust magnets, drawing in clients and making your Fiverr profile irresistible.

Additional Tips for Fiverr Success:

Remember, Fiverr is your digital playground, so don't be afraid to experiment and play to your strengths! Here are some bonus tips to keep your gig humming like a well-oiled freelance machine:

A. Utilize Fiverr's Marketing Tools: Fiverr doesn't just throw you into the gig ocean and hope you float – it throws you a life raft of built-in marketing tools! Take advantage of Fiverr's Buyer Requests feature to actively find clients seeking your skill set. Utilize Fiverr's Promote feature to boost your gig's visibility in search results. Remember, sometimes a little digital nudge can make all the difference.

B. Engage with the Fiverr Community: Don't be a solo island in the Fiverr archipelago! Dive into Fiverr's forums, groups, and social media communities. Connect with other freelancers, share your expertise, and build professional relationships. Remember, collaboration can open doors and lead to unexpected opportunities.

C. Stay Up-to-Date with Fiverr Trends: The Fiverr landscape is constantly evolving, just like any vibrant marketplace. Keep your finger on the pulse of Fiverr trends – new features, platform updates, and emerging in-demand skills. Adapt your approach accordingly, and you'll always be one step ahead of the freelance competition. Remember, agility is key!

D. Offer Extra Value and Incentives: Go beyond just offering your core services. Consider adding in bonuses or special offers to sweeten the deal for potential clients. Think free consultations, quick Q&A sessions, or early-bird discounts for new gigs. Remember, a little extra can go a long way in attracting clients and standing out from the crowd.

E. Analyze and Adapt: Don't just set your gig and forget it! Regularly analyze your gig's performance. Track metrics like views, clicks, orders, and client feedback. See what's working well and what could be improved. Remember, data is your friend, and using it to refine your approach can lead to Fiverr fireworks!

Bonus Tip: Inject some personality into your gig! Let your unique voice and skills shine through in your profile and descriptions. Don't be afraid to show your passion and enthusiasm for what you do. Remember, clients want to work with real people, not robots.

By incorporating these tips alongside the previously discussed strategies, you'll be well on your way to transforming your Fiverr gig from a dusty relic to a client-magnet masterpiece. Remember, success on Fiverr is a journey, not a destination. So, keep learning, adapting, and most importantly, have fun! The freelance world is your oyster, and with the right tools and mindset, you can crack it open and feast on the pearls of success.


So, there you have it, fellow freelancer! We've journeyed through the trenches of Fiverr frustration, unearthed the secrets of gig resurrection, and emerged victorious, armed with an arsenal of knowledge to attract clients like bees to honey. Remember, a rejected gig is not a dead end, it's a detour on the road to freelance success. With the right approach, your once-forgotten gig can become a client magnet, drawing in orders like magic beans sprouting into golden stalks.

Embrace the Growth Mindset: Don't let rejection define you. See it as a learning opportunity, a chance to refine your approach and make your gig even stronger. Remember, Thomas Edison famously failed a thousand times before inventing the light bulb. So, channel your inner inventor, experiment, adapt, and keep moving forward.

Celebrate the Journey: This freelance adventure is full of twists and turns, ups and downs. Don't just focus on the final destination, savour the journey itself. Celebrate every milestone, big or small, from landing your first order to receiving a glowing review. Remember, even the smallest accomplishments pave the way to a thriving freelance career.

Never Stop Learning: The world of Fiverr is constantly evolving, so stay curious and keep learning. Explore new skills, stay updated on platform trends, and seek out new opportunities to grow. Remember, continuous learning is the fuel that keeps the freelance engine running smoothly.

Connect and Collaborate: You're not alone in this freelance game! Build connections with other Fiverr sellers, share your knowledge, and collaborate on projects. Remember, a community of support can be your greatest asset.

Have Fun! This journey is yours to own, so make it fun! Inject your personality into your work, experiment with different approaches, and don't be afraid to try new things. Remember, when you're passionate and engaged, it shines through to your clients, making the entire experience more enjoyable.

So, take a deep breath, fellow freelancer, and step into the Fiverr arena with confidence. You've got the knowledge, the tools, and the spirit to succeed. Remember, it's not just about gigs and orders, it's about building a career you love, a career that reflects your talents and passions. And that, my friend, is a reward worth fighting for.


Q: How long does it usually take for a Fiverr gig to get approved?

A: Typically, Fiverr reviews new gigs within 24 hours, but it can sometimes take up to 3 days. You'll receive an email notification informing you of the decision.

Q: What should I do if my Fiverr gig gets rejected multiple times?

A: Don't give up! Carefully review the rejection email and analyze the reasons mentioned. Use the tips in this blog post to address the issues and resubmit your gig with a fresh perspective. Don't hesitate to contact Fiverr support for additional guidance.

Q: How can I stand out from the competition on Fiverr?

A: Offer unique and specialized services, showcase your expertise through a strong portfolio and positive reviews, personalize your profile and communication, and actively engage with potential clients. Remember, being memorable and offering exceptional value is key.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when creating Fiverr gigs?

A: Generic titles and descriptions, poor grammar and typos, uncompetitive pricing, lack of visuals, and vague service offerings. Be specific, and professional, and showcase your value proposition.

Q: How can I build a strong reputation and attract clients on Fiverr?

A: Deliver exceptional customer service, actively request and showcase positive reviews, engage with the Fiverr community, stay up-to-date with platform trends, and offer additional value through bonuses and incentives. Remember, building trust and exceeding expectations are key to attracting and retaining clients.